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Ajutati-ma si pe mine cu asta: write a short letter to your pen friend giving advice on how to make progress studying English, macar in romana dak in engleza nu se poate
27-10-2011 18:16:28
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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 18:17:21
Ia uite aici, cred ca asta este excelenta !! 
* ComentariuVoturi: 39 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 18:30:28
Are legatura cu ce am spus eu? 
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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 18:58:47
Tu ai intrebat asta: "bla bla bla bla ... how to make progress studying English .... bla bla bla bla "
Compuenere aia se numeste "How to Make Progress in English Vocabulary Study"
Deci, ce zici, are legatura ? 
* ComentariuVoturi: 72 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 19:13:14
Pai eu tre sa fac o compunere 
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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 19:13:50
Asa, pai si aia ce este ??? 
* ComentariuVoturi: 67 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
27-10-2011 20:02:20
Nu trebuie sa faci o compunere, trebuie sa faci o scrisoare!
Uite aici:
Dear Mike.

Your father told me good news that you had finished last semester very successfully, so congratulations to you. He also asked me to give some advice about studying a foreign language, because you are starting to learn English next semester.

First of all, you should buy a good dictionary if you haven't got it yet, because having a good dictionary is very useful for studying a foreign language and, in my opinion, it is not very expensive. Secondly, you shoul watch TV programs or listen to a radio broadcast in English at least one hour per week at first, so that new words and phrases and foreign spoken language will become more familiar to yoгю I also think, you should work out your own system how to learn new words. As for me, I used to write new words on special cards, which I carried in my pocket constantly and reviewed them on every good opportunity.  I can suggest too, that you would be more motivated to learn English if you had a penfriend from an English-speaking country. In addition, I need to say that English can be very useful and even essential for your future career.

I hope this helps you. Best wishes to you and your family. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 73 Voteaza

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