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cum pot face check-in de pe nokia x6 ?
28-10-2011 20:48:50
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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2011 20:50:06
Check-in ???
Adica Login ?

Intri pe pagina si te loghezi de acolo, nu merge asa?? 
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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2011 20:53:26
Telefonul are sistem de operare Symbian OS v9.4, Series 60 rel. 5

Exista citeva aplicatii pentru facebook:

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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2011 20:54:39
nu. este check-in , spre exemplu esti la o terasa, teatru, si vrei sa stie toti ca esti acolo , (la iphone e scris ca PLACES) si faci check'in ! 
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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2011 20:56:52
How do I check in to a Place on my smart phone or another mobile device?
Facebook application for iPhone or Android:

Go to the home screen of your Facebook app and tap "Places."

On the iPhone, to check-in from your News Feed click "Check In" at the top of the screen. When you’re prompted to share your current location, tap "Okay."

Other web-enabled mobile device (if Facebook Places is available):

Point your browser to Tap "Check In" under the "What’s on your mind?" box When you’re prompted to share your current location, tap "Okay.'"

Access the Places application on your supported device.

Click "Check In."

Select the Place where you are from the Nearby Places list. If you don't see the Place name, type the name of the Place where you are into the "Search Nearby Places" box. Alternatively, you can toggle the left-right arrows on the right of the search box to display lists of other Nearby Places.

Write an optional description of what you are doing at the Place where you are checking in. You can also tag your friends at the Place where you are. Click the "Check In" button again to share your visit. 
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