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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
Vizualizare intrebare
bullet engleza de torjinho96
Ne-a dat Doamna de Engleza,sa descriem o persoana in Engleza si am cautat pe net si scrie putin.
Eu vreau sa scriu cam o jumatate de coala A4,nu 2-3 randuri.
Nu conteaza ce este baiat sau fata.
25-04-2012 20:26:56
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Comentariul lui:
25-04-2012 20:44:50
Poti sa scimbi si tu numele...
A Close Friend

Jacques has been my close friend for two years. I first met him on a school exchange trip to Calais, France. I asked him the way to the library and we started talking. We've been friends ever since.
Jacques is quite good-looking. He's tall and slim, with olive skin and curly dark hair. Like many French people, he has a great sense of style, so he always looks well-dressed even in casual clothes.
Jacques is very outgoing. He is always friendly and loves to have fun. He's got a fantastic sense of humour and he always makes me laugh. However, he can be a bit immature at times. For example, when he doesn't get what he wants, he acts childishly and stamps his feet.
Jacques is very keen on water sports. He likes sailing and he spends a lot of time on his boat. He enjoys scuba diving, too, and loves exploring life under sea.
All in all, I'm glad to have Jacques as my friend. It's a pleasure to be with him and I really enjoy his company. I'm sure we'll always be close friends. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 7 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
25-04-2012 20:46:47
Sau altele: 
* Raspuns acceptatVoturi: 2 Voteaza

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