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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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bullet Iphone 4 de Cucurigu
iphone 4 orange spania se poad debloca in spania ca am intels ca deocamamdata in romania nu se poate debloca???
15-10-2012 10:24:34
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Comentariul lui:
15-10-2012 10:27:20
Da, se poate decoda si in Romania:

Cel mai sigur este sa mergi la un service GSM - cauta cel mai bun pret.
* Raspuns acceptatVoturi: 106 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
15-10-2012 10:28:43
k dar daac am pe cineva in spania se poat debloca din spania??? 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
15-10-2012 10:30:45
Da, bineinteles.
Se poate oficial la Orange Spania, costa probabil vreo 40-50 euro.
Sau neoficial, axact ca in Romania. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 169 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
15-10-2012 10:33:43
In romania deocamandata nu se paot ascultama aici facem pariu te inseli crdema am fost la 5 service GSM SI MI-AU SPUS CA DOCAMDATA NU SE POATE IN ROMANIA 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
15-10-2012 10:37:15
Pai si daca ai fost la 5 serice si esti convins ca nu se poate, de ce mai intrebi ?!
Eu ti-am zis ca se poate, ti-am dat si 2 site-uri.... deci eu cred ca se poate !
Uite inca unul:!-StarGSM

Conteaza reteaua in care este codat telefonul.
NU conteaza in ce tara faci tu decodarea.
Se face decodare in Romania pentru Orange Spania foarte bine ! 
* ComentariuVoturi: 302 Voteaza

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Comentariul lui:
20-03-2013 09:20:26

si eu am am adus un Iphone 4 din germania si acer era blocat intr-o retea de acolo si la venerire in romania m-am lovide de aceiasi problema cum ca aici nu se poate deloca sau ca il delocheaza contra a 60 euro. Prin cautarile mele pe net legate de acest subiect si anume deblocarea am gasit un articol prin care un tip zicea ca el si-a deblocat telefonul printrun simplu e-mail catre operator unde era blocat terminalul si asa am procedat si eu, am trimis un email catre operatorul unde era blocat telefonul meu prin care am intrebat daca iphonul 4 cu IMEI:............ este eligibil pt deblocare si dupa cateva zile mi-a venit raspuns.
Dear Sir / Madame,

The mobile network is directly implemented in the software of the iPhone. In consequence such a code does not exist for this phone.

Therefore, we offer the iPhone only in combination with a SIMLock for the mobile network of Telekom during the first 24 months. After this period your iPhone can be activated for other networks by Apple if you wish.

The unlock-code won't sent by e-mail. Apple deposited in iTunes that the iPhone will be unlocked. To unlock your iPhone please start the reset process, after that the iPhone is unlocked and you can use other SIM cards. Please mind: An unlock of your iPhone is to make 72 hours after the code was ordered.

In order to put the unlocking request into effect you need to follow these steps:

Insert a SIM card of a different Service Provider (not T-Mobile).

1. Connect your iPhone with iTunes.
2. Reset your iPhone (reset iPhone to factory settings - WARNING: This will erase all data on your iPhone, make sure to have all your data backuped)
3. iTunes will display a message that your iPhone has been successfully unlocked.

If this method is not successful, there is an alternative way:
1. Turn off your iPhone.
2. Keep the Home-Button pressed and connect your iPhone simultaneously with the USB cable to your computer. The computer must be turned on and iTunes needs to be installed already. iTunes should start automatically - if not, please start iTunes manually.
3. Keep the Home-Button pressed until the USB-Symbol is displayed, then release the Home-Button
4. Start resetting your iPhone by going to settings -> general -> reset -> all settings
5. If a foreign SIM has been inserted (not T-Mobile) iTunes will display a message about the successful unlocking of your iPhone.

Yours sincerely,

Customer Service
* ComentariuVoturi: 10 Voteaza

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