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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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bullet sanctiune de cosmin2509
Ce echipa la sanctionat pe mutu cu o amenda de 17 milioane de euro?
25-11-2012 21:53:50
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Comentariul lui:
25-11-2012 22:23:39
Adica, Mutu trebuia sa dea 17,4 milioane Euro (la cursul din 14 august 2008) celor de la Chelsea.
Deci sanctiunea a fost consecinta deciziei echipei Chelsea(ea la sacntionat pe Mutu).

Sursa cat si motivul:

Chelsea Football Club can confirm today (Thursday, August 14) that it has received the decision from FIFA's Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) on the claim made against Adrian Mutu.

  Chelsea is delighted with the DRC's decision to award the club £13.68 million in compensation.

  This is an important decision for football. Not only did the DRC make us a very significant monetary award, the decision also recognised the damaging effect incidents involving drugs has on football and the responsibilities we all have in this area.

  Chelsea will now be following the process laid out in the DRC's decision to claim the money from Mutu.

  The claim relates to damages following the termination of Mutu's contract on October 28, 2004 after he failed a drugs test for cocaine. 
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