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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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bullet Facebook RSS Graffiti de onlinemovieshd
De ce numi posteaza anunturile noi pe perete si de ce imi arata asa in aplicatia rss graffiti (am configurat account setting am adaugat si twitter si uitati poza
27-07-2012 04:48:43
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Comentariul lui:
27-07-2012 10:16:49
There are a few reasons your posts might not be publishing.

RSS Graffiti does not check your feed immediately after setting up a new feed source. The frequency with which we check your feed depends on the level of system traffic.

Are there new posts eligible for publishing? RSS Graffiti will not go back and publish old posts unless you explicitly change the cut-off date/time in the advanced tab of the source settings window.

Make sure your feed is a valid RSS or Atom document. Each item in your feed must include an  element containing a valid datestamp as well as an  element containing a valid http:// URL. You can validate your feeds here.

If you still can’t figure out why your feeds are failing to publish, ask a question in our Community Support Forum -

Why aren't my posts appearing in the news feed?

Posts from RSS Graffiti are given the same priority in the news feed as “native” posts. If the posts are appearing on your page or profile wall/timeline, they are eligible for inclusion in the news feed by Facebook’s algorithm.

The news feed selection algorithm takes into account user engagement and interest level. Get your friends or followers to like and comment your posts and they will increasingly appear in their news feeds. If you are posting to a profile, they can also click on “subscribe” on your profile page if they want to see all your posts. 
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