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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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My Dearest,

Thanks a lot for your prompt respond and also for accepting to help me and my children out of this heartbreaking situation, I'm mostly concern that you help me in this transaction and my contact was based on the information I gathered regarding this transaction to enable us achieve our aim in having this fund been transferred into your position as the partner of my late husband (beneficiary). I contacted you for us to benefit in this opportunity please be kind to me and handle his project with sincere, now we should proceed on.

I want you to know that this transaction needs absolutely a Foreigner to put claim to the said amount as the partner to my late husband, this transaction will be successfully executed to your bank account as the partner to my late husband without any query from your state government or private bodies, However with all the necessary information which I have gathered regarding this transaction to ensure a smooth and successful transfer. Thus, this transaction will follow legal moralities and all the needed documents will be obtained in your name as the partner to my late husband, those documents will back up the transfer direct to your bank account. You have nothing to be afraid of as long as am concern in this transaction.

Be aware that I will come over to your country for the sharing of the fund and possible investment into any profitable venture under your kind control as soon as the transaction is completed. If possible I will love to invest in real estate management or set up a company with you in your country or any other place of your choice, I trust you and that was why I contacted you as the only capable person to champion this transaction. Please I beg you in the name of God not to betray or cheat me after the transaction are completed because the hope of me and my children is on the fund. here are our address here in Burkina Faso.

My husband Name, Mr. Salif Yaron Mamadou I AM 41 years old. HOUSE ADDRESS: Avenue Ouaga 2000-Sector 10 BP 3413 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. Present resident, Burkina Faso. Marriage status: with children my son 14 and my daughter 12 year old, for more confidence i attach my picture for your view.

Please you are required to send the following information to enable us proceed forward.
Here yours information.
1. Your name.
2. Country/ Address.
3. Your private telephone number.
4. Your occupation.
5. Sex.
6. Age.
7. Picture.

On the receipt of this information, we shall forge ahead for good. I will draft a letter which you will use to contact the bank Management, You can call me any time with my number below.

Yours faithfully
Mrs. Brigitte Yaron Mamadou
P.S call. Telephone.+22679448857

ce poate sa fie asta
25-10-2014 10:00:15
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Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 10:34:05
Se numeste SPAM.
Adica o TEAPA.
O sa mai primesti zeci si sute de asemenea mesaje.
Unele vor fin chiar si in limba romana.
NU raspunde la asemenea NICIODATA.
NU trimite BANI.
NU trimite DATELE tale.
NU SUNA la nici un numar.
* Raspuns acceptatVoturi: 30 Voteaza

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 10:56:06
ok merci o sal sterg 
* Comentariul autorului

Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 12:38:03
Cine are interesul(si timp de pierdut) sa trimita asa ceva? Cu ce se alege efectiv?? 
* ComentariuVoturi: 9 Voteaza

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 12:41:04
Se numesc, in general, hackeri.
In particular, este un ciumpalac care face rost sau genereaza milioane de adrese de mail si trimite sute si mii de asemenea mesaje la acele adrese.
Fii tu linistit, unii chiar pica in plasa si trimit banii.
Sau datele personale (cont, card, paypal....... plus PIN sau parola......) apoi ramin fara bani.
Practic, pe hacker il costa doar conexiunea la net (daca nu o fura si pe aia de la vecini), adresele de mail (daca nu cumva le face el gratis) si timpul petrecut pentru a trimite mesaje si a pacali victimele.
Iar profitul este maricel. 
* ComentariuVoturi: 9 Voteaza

Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 16:50:30
Sun niste sarlatani
Nu da niciodata la nimeni nimic daca iti cer asemenea informatii 
* ComentariuVoturi: 30 Voteaza

Link sponsorizat

Comentariul lui:
25-10-2014 16:52:09
Si apropo se numeste spam 
* ComentariuVoturi: 9 Voteaza

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