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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
Vizualizare intrebare
bullet securitatea retelelor de elenarinf
ce competente tehnice trebuie sa aiba un network security engineer?( ce tehnologii, instrumente se folosesc pentru securitatea retelelor?)
23-05-2008 12:25:44
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Comentariul lui:
25-01-2010 16:18:18
E "nasoala" treaba:

Knowledge of: various complex programming languages; server operating systems; networking principles, design and architecture; information technologies system and network security software and hardware.

Ability to: analyze, diagnose, and correct problems related to information technologies security systems; research and assist in the design and implementation of information and network security solutions; develop applications for information security reporting purposes; troubleshoot district-wide information technology system and network security issues; communicate effectively orally and in writing, and establish cooperative working relationships with persons contacted in the course of performing assigned duties.

Any combination of education, training, and experience that provides the required knowledge and abilities.  An example of this would be a college degree in Computer Science and/or nationally recognized networking certifications, with experience in computer languages such as Perl, php, Java, C, C++, and designing and implementing networks and related information technologies security devices. 
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