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Consultanta ISO, Audituri Interne - Business Advising Team
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am tema de facut un eseu la engleza cu tema "if one day you became the major of you city what changes wolud you make to turn it in to a ideal place to live in? "
Cine mi-l  face pls??
28-10-2010 18:58:38
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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2010 19:09:04
Incearca ceva de genul acesta:
If I were mayor of ...., I would make it a safer place, more inviting, and a better place to be. If I were mayor, .....will be better than it was before.

First, I will make it a safer place. There will be clean and safe streets. I will have police patrol so we can have a safe community. I will also want more people to join the police force so we can be safe.

Secondly, I will make it more inviting for people who come to .... I would make the parks larger so they can have room to play sports like football, baseball, and soccer. I would also like one amusement park in.... and also a wildlife preserve so we can get money to donate it to charity.

Also I want ..... to be a great place to be. I would like constructors to build more buildings because if people lost a job, they can get one at the buildings. Also, I want more banks in ..... so everybody can invest their money at the bank.

If I were the mayor of ....., it would be a better place. Everyone would be happy and so will I. Also ..... will be better than it was before.
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Comentariul lui:
28-10-2010 19:13:08
In primul rind, este MAYOR, nu MAJOR - primar!
In al doilea rind:

Tematica ecologica:
There is so much that can be done I dont know where to start. I guess it all depends on your budget. I'll list a few things and I guess you can take it from there what you want to do.First thing thats super simple change your lightbulbs from inefficient incandescent ones to halogen lightbulbs. This is now the law in Australia. Secondly, RECYCLE! Recycling means that this item will not be added to landfill and prevents the extraction of virgin resources to make another one. Composting at home makes a major difference as well. Putting all your food scraps into a compost bin reduces the amount you're sending to landfill every year, and creates your very own fertiliser to sell or to grow your own vegetable garden. Which is another great green change. Growing your own vegetable garden reduces your grocery bill AND your carbon footprint. Most produce is grown over 250kms away from where it is purchased. Other more expensive ideas include solar hot water, solar power, ceiling insulation, replacing all household taps with water saving taps, changing your appliances to more energy and water efficient appliances.. Other smaller ideas include turning all lights off when your not using them, turning appliances off at the wall, supporting local businesses and manufacturers (lowers your carbon footprint because your not supporting industries that import their goods from overseas which uses immeasurable amounts of fossil fuels because of the transport). 
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